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Every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel ranked from bad to iconic

There are a lot of Buffy fans out there who have not watched Angel. Those people are missing out, because Buffy and Angel are meant to be watched together. 

It is true that they are different shows. Buffy is the punchier, more episodic exploration of what it means to the Slayer, while Angel is the moody spinoff that takes a more serialized approach to storytelling. You get the traditional one big bad per season format with Buffy, while Angel takes a different approach with an overarching corporate villain, even though the tone of the show varies wildly season to season.

Despite this, I could not imagine watching one without the other. Characters like Wesley, Faith and Spike develop on both shows, which you miss out on if you watch one in isolation. Both series excel at exploring the fluidity of good and evil, particularly in Angel, which centres that exploration with its main character. Most importantly, both shows share the theme that heroes really do need help from their friends.

So in honour of the Buffyverse, I have ranked all 254 episodes of Buffy and Angel from the bad to the iconic. Two-parters are ranked separately because the episodes often have different writers/directors and originally aired on different nights.

MASSIVE SPOILER WARNING for pretty much everything that happens in Buffy and Angel.

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